Category: Weiss ENTuesday Blog

Should I Keep My Nosebleeds for Halloween?

Hello again! Welcome to a spooky Weiss ENTuesday!! Our Atlanta Braves are one victory away from winning their division series against the Brewers! Hopefully a huge crowd will attend today’s game, even filling the “nosebleed” seats. Speaking about nosebleeds….

Why Do My Colds Last Weeks?

Why is it that for most people a cold lasts 3 to 6 days, but my cold inevitably progresses into a prolonged sinus infection that is often hard to clear up?!

Why Can’t I Breathe Through My Nose?

Thinking about breathing, it makes sense to start our discussion with a review of the inner anatomy of our nose. Nasal symptoms (stuffiness, congestion, decreased airflow) are usually due to problems with this anatomy.